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Posts by category
- Category: News
- FOR-1 Introduction to Forestry
- GSS-147 Assembly and Tuning of Gas Operated LEAS Repeating Rifles
- GSS-143 Custom Gunmaking - Muzzleloaders
- GSS-130 Professional Engraving
- GSS-124 Welding Fabrication for Gunsmiths
- GSS-120B Stock Refinish and Repair - Recoil Pad Installation
- GSS-112B Introduction to Knifemaking
- GSS-112 Machine Shop for Gunsmiths
- GSS-98.24 Stockmaking Special Projects
- GSS-98.23 Machine Shop Special Projects
- GSS-98.22 DFR Long Guns Special Projects
- GSS-98.21 Hand Guns Special Projects
- GSS-98.13 Metallurgy For Gunsmiths
- GSS-98.05 Design, Function and Repair Smith & Wesson Revolver
- GSS-98.04 Advanced Knife Making
- GSS-91 Customizing the Colt-Type Autopistol, Advanced
- GSS-90 Customizing the Colt-Type Autopistol, Basic
- GSS-84 LEAS Design and Repair Colt & Ruger Revolvers
- GSS-83 General Gunsmithing - Advanced
- GSS-78 Design & Repair-22 Autopistols
- GSS-77 Accurizing M1-M1A for Competition
- GSS-72 Fiberglass Stockmaking
- GSS-71 Custom Rifle Seminar
- GSS-70 Checkering
- GSS-52BR Firearms Training Refresher
- GSS-52B Firearms Training
- GS 49 Gunsmithing Work Experience
- GSS-131 Alternative Metal Finishes
- ES-2 Introduction to Native American Studies
- AJ-150 College Success Skills and Credit for Prior Learning - AJ
- AJ-81 California Concealed Weapons Course
- Math 159 Math Support Lab
- WE 159 Career Pathway Work Experience
- FS 97B Fire Control 3 Structural Firefighting (Live Fire)
- FS 7 Introduction to Native California Forest Management
- HO 151 Nurse Assistant Clinical
- HO 150 Nurse Assistant
- FOR 7 Intro to Wildland Fire
- FOR 6 Introduction to Forest Operations
- FOR 5 Dendrology
- FOR 4 Forest Health and Protection
- FOR 3 Forest Measurments
- FOR 2 Forest Ecology
- CIS 170 Power BI
- CIS 49 Computer Information Systems Work Experience
- CDL 152 Commercial Driver's License - On Road Skills
- CDL 151 Commercial Driver's License - Range Skills
- CDL 150 Commercial Driver's License Permit Prep
- AJ-73 STC Supervisory Course
- AJ-66 Tactical Operations
- AJ-65 Adult Corrections Officer Supplemental Core Course
- AJ-55 Tactical Rifle Instructor
- AERO 50 UAS Ground School Outline
- NURS 17 - Management and Leadership
- NURS 16 - Comprehensive Review
- NURS 15 - Nursing Lab IV
- NURS 14 - Clinical Practice IV
- NURS 13 - Medical Surgical IV
- NURS 12 - Nursing Lab III
- NURS 11 - Clinical Practice III
- NURS 10 - Advanced Maternal Child
- NURS 9 - Medical Surgical III
- NURS 8 - Nursing Lab II
- NURS 7 - Clinical Practice II
- NURS 6 - Introduction to Maternal Child
- NURS 5 - Medical Surgical II
- NURS 4 - Nursing Lab I
- NURS 3 - Clinical Practice I
- NURS 2 - Medical Surgical I
- NURS 1 - Pharmacology
- ASL 2 American Sign Language II
- ASL 1 American Sign Language I
- GS 69 Design, Function and Repair of Auto Pistols
- CS-154 IT Security
- CS-153 System Administration
- CS-152 Operating Systems
- CS-151 Bits and Bytes
- CS-150 Tech Support
- PEAC-158 Cross Country Skiing
- PEAC-157 Snowboarding
- PEAC-156 Snowshoeing
- PEAC-155 Alpine Skiing
- PEAC-44 Yoga
- PEAC-34 Golf Skills
- PEAC-32D Fitness Center
- PEAC-16 Walking For Fitness
- PEAC-11D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Sand Volleyball
- PEAC-11 Women's Varsity Sand Volleyball
- PEAC-10D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Softball
- PEAC-10 Women's Varsity Softball
- PEAC-9D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Volleyball
- PEAC-9B Pre-Season Skills and Conditioning for Volleyball
- PEAC-9 Women's Varsity Volleyball
- PEAC-7D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Baseball
- PEAC-7 Varsity Baseball
- PEAC-6D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Wrestling
- PEAC-6B Pre-Season Skills and Conditioning for Wrestling
- PEAC-6 Varsity Wrestling
- PEAC-5D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Basketball
- PEAC-5C.02 Women's Varsity Basketball - Spring
- PEAC-5C Women's Varsity Basketball - Fall
- PEAC-5B Pre-Season Skills and Conditioning for Basketball
- PEAC-5A.02 Men's Varsity Basketball - Spring
- PEAC-5A Men's Varsity Basketball - Fall
- PEAC-2D Off-Season Skills and Conditioning for Soccer
- PEAC-2C Women's Varsity Soccer
- PEAC-2B Pre-Season Skills and Conditioning for Soccer
- PEAC 2A Men's Varsity Soccer
- GSS-148 Advanced Correctional Armorer School
- GSS-136 Cold Rust and Niter Bluing
- GSS-135 Parkerizing
- GSS-134 Caustic Bluing
- GSS-133 Scrimshaw
- GSS-127 Advanced Engraving
- GSS-123 Basic Hard Metal Engraving
- GSS-120 Stockmaking - Phase II
- GSS-119 Advanced Rifle Barreling
- GSS-117 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding for Gunsmiths
- GSS-116 Stockmaking - Phase I
- GSS-114 Basic Rifle Barreling
- GSS-98.12 Modern and Cowboy Action Belts and Holsters
- GSS-98.09 Color Case Hardening
- GSS-98.08 Custom Built 1911
- GSS-98.06 LEAS DFR Patrol Rifles
- GSS-98.03 Cowboy Action Shooting Short Guns
- GSS-98.02 Cowboy Action Shooting Long Guns
- GSS-95 Law Enforcement Armorer School-Basic
- GSS-94 Ballistic, Handloading & Testing
- GSS-93 LEAS Design and Repair-Counter Sniper/Varmint Rifle
- GSS-89 LEAS Design and Repair Full Autos, Phase I
- GSS-88 LEAS Design and Repair Single Action Autopistols
- GSS-87 LEAS Design & Repair Double Action Autopistols I
- GSS-85 LEAS Design and Repair Smith & Wesson Revolvers
- GSS-82 General Gunsmithing
- GSS-79 Basic Correctional Armorer’s School
- WE 2 Occupational Work Experience
- WE 1 General Work Experience
- WT-53 Robotic Welding Operations and Programming (Advanced)
- WT-52 Robotic Operations and Programming
- WT-51 Blueprint and Symbol Reading for Welders
- WT-50 Welding for Artists (Design and Fabrication)
- WT-49 Welding Work Experience
- WT-45 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
- WT-44 Gas Metal Arc Welding
- WT-43 Advanced Shielded Metal Arc Welding
- WT-42 Intermediate Shielded Metal Arc Welding
- WT-39 Welding Theory & Practice – Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
- WT-38 Welding Theory & Practice – Gas Metal ArcWelding
- WT-37 Welding Theory & Practice – Shielded Metal Arc Welding
- WT-36 Welding Theory & Practice - Oxyacetylene
- WT-32 Advanced GTAW for Gunsmiths
- WT-25 SolidWorks Fundamentals
- WT-23 Power Plant & Field Pipe Welding IV
- WT-22 Power Plant & Field Pipe Welding III
- WT-21 Power Plant & Field Pipe Welding II
- WT-20 Power Plant & Field Pipe Welding I
- VN 60 Comprehensive Nursing Review
- VN 59 Intravenous Therapy and Blood Withdrawal
- VN-58 Pediatric Nursing
- VN-57 Maternity Nursing
- VN-56 Clinical Lab III
- VN-55 Nursing Leadership and Professional Development
- VN-54 Clinical Lab II
- VN-53 Adult Nursing Theory
- VN-52 Clinical Lab I
- VN 51 Nursing Fundamentals
- VN-50 Pharmacology
- TUTR 50 Fundamentals of Peer Tutoring
- SPCH 1 Public Speaking
- SOC-4 Introduction to Gender
- SOC-3 Family Relations
- SOC-2 Social Problems
- SOC 1 Introduction to Sociology
- PSY-33 Psychology of Personal and Social Adjustment
- PSY-18 Life Span Development
- CD/PSY-31 Child Development: Conception through Adolescence
- PSY-6 Abnormal Psychology
- PSY-5 Introduction to Research Methods
- PSY-1 Introduction to Psychology
- PHSC 1 General Physical Science
- PLSC-1 American Institutions
- PHYS2B General College Physics II
- PHYS 2A General College Physics I
- PHIL 10 Comparative World Religions
- MUS 12 Music Appreciation
- MUS 7 Music History from 1750 to Modern Era
- MUS 6 Music History from Antiquity to 1750
- MATH-168 College Algebra Lab
- MATH-167 Trigonometry Lab
- MATH-166 Finite Mathematics Lab
- Math-164 Elementary Statistics Lab
- MATH-60 Intermediate Algebra
- MATH-40 Elementary Statistics
- MATH-11B Concepts of Elementary School Mathematics II
- MATH-11A Concepts of Elementary School Mathematics I
- MATH-8 Advanced Algebra
- MATH-7 Trigonometry
- MATH-6 Finite Mathematics
- MATH-1B Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
- MATH-1A Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
- IT-72 Facilities Maintenance - Welding
- IT-22 Operations, Maintenance and Safety
- HUM 2 Western Civilization: 1600 to Present
- HUM 1 Western Civilization: Prehistoric to 1600
- HUS-49 Human Services Work Experience
- HUS-43 Social Work and Human Services Seminar
- HUS-42 Field Experience in Social Work and Human Services
- HUS-10 Introduction to Social Work and Human Services
- HIST-17 Post Civil War - U. S. History
- HIST-16 U.S. History
- HIST-15 World History, 1500 to Present
- HIST-14 World History, Beginning to 1500
- HO 120 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- HO 88 – Phlebotomy Technician
- HO 80A Nurse Assistant
- HO 72 – Medical Assisting: Clinical
- HO 71 Medical Assisting: Administrative
- HO 70 Medical Assisting: Core
- HO 54 Basic Structure and Function of the Human Body
- HO 49 Health Occupations Work Experience
- HO 3 Medical Terminology
- HLTH-25 Understanding Nutrition
- HLTH-2 Personal Health
- WT-32 Advanced GTAW for Gunsmiths
- WT-31 - GTAW For Gunsmiths
- GS 75 Gunshop Laws and Business Practices
- GS 70 Stockmaking
- GS 68 Design, Function and Repair of Revolvers
- GS 64 Design, Function and Repair of Double Guns
- GS 63 Design, Function and Repair of Shotguns
- GS 62 Design, Function and Repair of Rimfire Rifles
- GS 61 Design, Function and Repair of Rifles
- GS 60 Design, Function and Repair Bolt Action Rifles
- GS 59 Understanding Headspace and Handloading
- GS 58 Metal Finishing
- GS 57 Metal Preparation and Bluing
- GS 55 General Gunsmithing - Advanced
- GS 54 General Gunsmithing - Basic
- GS 51 Gunsmith Machining - Advanced
- GS 50 Gunsmith Machining - Basic
- GEOL-5 Historical Geology & Paleontology
- GEOL-1 Physical Geology
- GEOG-2 Cultural Geography
- GIS 5 – Web/Mobile-based GIS
- GIS 4 – Spatial Analysis
- GIS 3 – Cartography and Geovisualization
- GIS 2 – GIS Data Concepts
- GIS 1 – Fundamentals of GIS
- FS 156 Basic Pump Operations for Volunteer Firefighters
- FS 132 Critical 32
- FS 98.21 Volunteer Firefighter Academy
- FS 98.20 Incident Safety Awareness for Hired Vendors
- FS 98.18 Annual Fireline Safety Refresher Training (RT-130)
- FS 97A: Fire Control 4A, Ignitable Liquids and Gases Awareness/Operations
- FS 97 Fire Control 4: Controlling Ignitable Liquids and Gases
- FS 96A Rope Rescue Awareness/Operations
- FS 96 Low Angle Rope Rescue (LARRO)
- FS 95 – Initial Attack Incident Command (IC type 4 S-200)
- FS 94 - Strike Team/Task Force Leader, All Hazards (AH-330)
- FS 92E Company Officer 2E-Wildland Incident Operations for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)
- FS 92D Company Officer 2D: All-Risk Command Operations (NFPA Fire Officer Levels I and II)
- FS 92C Company Officer 2C: Fire Inspections and Investigation for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)
- FS 92B Company Officer 2B -General Administrative Functions for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)
- FS 92A Company Officer 2A-Human Resource Management for Company Officers (NFPA Fire Officer Level 1 and II)
- FS 90 Portable Pumps and Water Use (S-211)
- FS 89- Wildland Fire Chainsaws (S-212)
- FS 87 – Expanded Dispatch Recorder: D-110
- FS 85 Understanding Maps, Compass & GPS
- FS 81 Wildland Firefighter Safety& Survival
- FS 80 Firefighter Survival
- FS 78 Followership to Leadership L-280
- FS 76 Firefighter Type 1 (Squad Boss) S-131
- FS 75 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (S-290)
- FS 74 Fire in the Interface (S-215)
- FS 73A Incident Business Management (S-260)
- FS 72C HazMat First Responder Awareness
- FS 72B HazMat First Responder- Decontamination
- FS 72A HazMat First Responder- Refresher
- FS 72IC HazMat Incident Commander
- FS 72 HazMat First Responder Operations
- FS 70C – Single Resource Crew Boss (S-230)
- FS 70B - Engine Boss (Single Resource)
- FS 70A – Single Resource Academy (S-230, S-231, S-232)
- FS 70 Heavy Equipment Boss (S-236)
- FS 65C Driver/Operator 1E Wildland Fire Apparatus Operations
- FS 65B Driver/Operator 1B: Pump Operations
- FS 64B Instructor II-Instructional Development
- FS 65A Driver/Operator 1A: Emergency Vehicle Operations
- FS 64 Instructor 1 Instructional Methodology
- FS 61 Basic Firefighter Training (Basic 32)
- FS 60C Cal Fire Module 1C Wildland Firefighter
- FS 60B Fire Crew Firefighter (Cal Fire Seasonal)
- FS 60.1 Cal Fire Module 1A Structural Firefighting
- FS 60 Cal Fire Firefighter Academy (FFA)
- FS 59 Confined Space Awareness
- FS 57 Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Technician
- FS 56 Helicopter Crewmember S-271
- FS 51 Introduction to Fire Technology Careers
- FS 50 Rapid Intervention Crew (RIC) Operations
- FS 49 Fire Science Cooperative Work Experience
- FS-26 - Basic Air Operations (S-270)
- FS 23 – Firing Operations (S-219)
- FS 20 First Aid and CPR for Public Safety Employees
- FS 14 Principles of Fire Safety and Survival
- FS 13 Fire Behavior and Combustion
- FS 8 Wildland Fire Suppression
- FS 6 Building Construction for Fire Protection
- FS 5 Fire Orientation and Organization
- FS 4 Fire Protection Equipment and Systems
- FS 3 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention
- FILM-1 History of the Cinema
- ES-1 Introduction to Ethnic Studies
- ESL-155 Citizenship Test Preparation
- ENGL-105 Introduction to College Reading, Writing, and Thinking
- ENGL 155 English Writing Lab – Basic Skills
- ENGL-105A Reading and Writing Support
- ENGL-33 - Studies in Fiction
- ENGL-22 Creative Writing
- ENGL-12 Survey of American Literature II
- ENGL-9 Critical Thinking and Composition
- ENGL-5 Survey of World Literature II
- ENGL-3 British Literature I
- ENGL-2 Introduction to Literary Types
- ENGL-1 College Composition
- EMT-61 Emergency Medical Technician-B Refresher
- EMT-60 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic)
- EMT-21 Emergency Medical Responder
- ED-2 Introduction to Elementary Classroom Instruction
- ED-1 Tools for Teaching
- ECON-11 Micro-Economics
- ECON-10 Macro-Economics
- DS-158 Developmental Studies - Adaptive Arts & Crafts
- DS-155 Adaptive Aquatics for the Physically Limited
- DS-153 Community Awareness I
- DS-122 Adaptive Individual Sports: Weight Training
- DS-120 Adaptive Fitness
- DS-113 Developmental Skills: Personal Assessment
- DS-112 Computer Access Projects
- DS-111 Computer Access II
- DS-110 Computer Access I
- CG-158 New Student Orientation
- CG-155 Study Strategies Lab
- CG-150 College Success Skills Workshop Series
- CG-1 Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life
- CIS-160 Google Digital Marketing and E-Commerce
- CIS-90 The IT Professional
- CIS-82 Cloud Computing
- CIS-81 Introduction to Python Programming
- CIS-80 Introduction to Data systems
- CIS-71 Introduction to Cybersecurity: Ethical Hacking
- CIS-70 Computer and Network Security Fundamentals
- CIS-60 Networking Essentials
- CIS-50 IT Essentials
- CD-49 Child Development Work Experience
- CD-30 Early Steps to Reading Success
- CD-28 Child Guidance
- CD-27 Children with Special Needs
- CD-26 Administration II
- CD-25 Teaching in a Diverse Society
- CD-24 Practicum
- CD-23 Adult Supervision in the Child Care Setting
- CD-22 The Infant Toddler
- CD-20 Principles and Practices of Teaching Young Children
- CD-19 Children’s Nutrition, Health and Safety
- CD-17 Children’s Literature
- CD-16 Introduction to Curriculum
- CD-15 Pre-School Administration
- CD-12 Child, Family and Community
- CD-11 Observation and Assessment
- CHEM-40L Teaching Laboratory for Survey of Chemistry and Physics
- CHEM-40 Survey of Chemistry and Physics
- CHEM-45A Introduction to General Chemistry Discussion
- CHEM-45 Introduction to General Chemistry
- CHEM-8 Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry
- CHEM-1B General Chemistry II
- CHEM-1A General Chemistry I
- CARS-153 Job Seeker Skills Workshop Series
- CARS-151 Employment Success Workshop Series
- CARS-150 Professional Skills Development Workshop Series
- BUS-84 Business Mathematics
- BUS-49 Business Work Experience
- BUS-27 Business Communications
- BUS-25 Small Business Management
- BUS-22 Business Law
- BUS-10 Managing Diversity and Human Resources
- BUS-2 Introduction to Business
- BUS-1B Accounting Principles - Managerial
- BUS-1A Accounting Principles - Financial
- BIOL-32L General Biology with Laboratory
- BIOL-32 General Biology
- BIOL-26 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
- BIOL-25 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIOL-22 Human Physiology with Lab
- BIOL 21 Human Anatomy with Lab
- BIOL-20 Microbiology
- BIOL-10 Natural History of Plants & Animals
- BIOL-4 Principles of Evolutionary, Organismal and Ecological Biology
- BIOL-1 Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology
- BS-171 Basic Skills: Pre-High School Equivalency Preparation II
- BS-170 Basic Skills: Pre-High School Equivalency Preparation I
- AERO-1A Aviation Ground School
- AT-151 Automotive Chassis System
- AT-150 Automotive Maintenance
- AT-91 Smog Check Training Level 2
- AT-90A Automotive Survival Lab
- AT-90 Automotive Survival
- AT-84 Engine Performance II
- AT-82 Engine Performance I
- AT-80 Basic Electrical
- AT-74 Engine Repair and Machining-Cylinder Heads
- AT-72 Engine Repair and Machining-Short Block
- AT-70 General Automotive Lab
- AT-68 Automatic Transmissions
- AT-66 Manual Drive Train
- AT-60 Shop Management and Service Writer
- AT-58 Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning
- AT-56 Steering and Suspension
- AT-54 Brakes
- AT-50 Car Care Basics
- AT-49 Automotive Technology Work Experience
- ART-50 Welding for Artists (History of Welded Sculpture)
- ART-49 ART Work Experience
- ART 36D Portfolio Ceramics
- ART-36C Advanced Ceramics
- ART-36B Intermediate Ceramics
- ART-36A Beginning Ceramics
- ART-25 Graphic Design 1
- Art-23 Beginning Printmaking
- ART-19D Portfolio Digital Photography
- ART-19C Advanced Digital Photography
- ART-19B Intermediate Digital Photography
- ART-19A Beginning Digital Photography
- ART-10D Portfolio Painting
- ART-10C Advanced Painting
- ART-10B Intermediate Painting
- ART-10A Beginning Painting
- ART-8 Art Appreciation
- ART-7 Survey of Art History, Renaissance Through Contemporary
- ART-6 Survey of Art History, Prehistoric to Renaissance
- Art-3 Beginning Life Drawing
- ART-2 Drawing
- ART-1B Fundamentals of Three-Dimensional Design
- ART-1A Two-Dimensional Design
- ANTH-2 Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH-1L Biological Anthropology Lab
- ANTH-1 Biological Anthropology
- AGR-57 Beginning Horseshoeing
- AGR-61 Introduction to Bovine Reproduction
- AGR-70 Rodeo Team Roping
- AGR-49 Agricultural Work Experience
- AGR-41 Farm Tractors and Farm Power
- AGR-40 Basic Agricultural Mechanics
- AGR-31 Bovine Embryo Transfer
- AGR-20 Introduction to Plant Science
- AGR-21B Intercollegiate Rodeo
- AGR-22 Rodeo Skills
- AGR-19 Introduction to Soil Science
- AGR-14 Equine Science
- AGR-13 Feeds and Feeding
- AGR-12 Animal Health and Disease
- AGR-11 Beef Cattle Production
- AGR-10 Introduction to Animal Science
- AGR-9 Food Animal Selection
- AGR-8 Introduction to Animal Production
- AGR-4 Agricultural Sales and Communication
- AGR-3 Introduction to Agriculture Business
- AGR-2 Agricultural Economics
- AGR-1 Agricultural Accounting
- AJ-171 CDCR Off Post Training for Custody Staff
- AJ-71 CDCR Off Post Training for Custody Staff
- AJ-64 CDCR to Adult Corrections Officer Transfer Academy
- AJ-62 Probation Officer Core Course
- AJ-63 POST Law Enforcement Supervisory Course
- AJ-61 Juvenile Corrections Officer Core Course
- AJ-60 Adult Correctional Officer Core Course
- AJ-59 First Aid/CPR/AED Refresher for Peace Officers
- AJ-52BR Firearms Training/Refresher
- AJ-53 Basic Force and Weaponry
- AJ-58 Perishable Skills for Peace Officers
- AJ-57 Firearms/Tactical Rifle
- AJ-56 Firearms Instructor
- AJ-52B PC832 Firearms
- AJ-52A PC832 Arrest Methods and Procedures
- AJ-35 Investigative Techniques
- AJ-49 Administration of Justice Work Experience
- AJ-24 Community Relations
- AJ-23 Criminal Evidence
- AJ-20 Criminal Law
- AJ-16 Supervision in Law Enforcement
- AJ-14 Juvenile Procedures
- AJ-12 Introduction to Criminal Justice
- AJ-11 Youth Gangs in America
- AJ-10 Criminology
- AJ-9 Introduction to Corrections
- AJ-8 Criminal Court Process
- AJ-5 Introduction to Forensics
- Forestry
- Registered Nursing
- NRA Summer Program 2024 Schedule
- Social Work and Human Services
- Natural Sciences
- Health Occupations
- Humanities
- Firearms Repair Certificate of Achievement Program Costs
- Engine Repair Program Costs
- Advanced Mechanics Program Costs
- Welding Technology Program Costs
- Vocational Nursing Program Costs
- Fire Technology Program Costs
- Child Development Program Costs
- Anthropology Program Costs
- Agriculture Program Costs
- Administration of Justice Program Costs
- Welding Technology
- Vocational Nursing
- Sociology
- Social Science
- Psychology
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Physical Education & Kinesiology
- History
- Geology
- Geographic Information Systems
- Fire Technology
- English
- Computer Information Systems
- Child Development
- Business
- Art
- Automotive Technology
- Allied Health
- Anthropology
- Gunsmithing
- Agriculture
- Administration of Justice
- GVC Round Robin @ Shasta College
- Sacramento, CA
- Porterville College
- Cabrillo College
- Cosumnes River
- PC
- Shasta College
- Lassen County Fairgrounds
- at Shasta College
- City College of San Mateo
- College of the Redwoods
- American River
- Mendocino College
- San Jose City College
- Feather River College
- Columbia
- Ohlone College
- American River College
- San Joaquin Delta College
- Lemoore College
- Sacramento City College
- Neutral
- Monterey Peninsula College
- College of the Siskiyous
- LCC Cougar Cafe
- HU206
- LCC Genasci Gym
- (Women's Basketball) Lassen at Shasta
- (Baseball) Lassen at Yuba
- (Baseball) Lassen at Yuba
- (Baseball) Lassen at American River
- (Baseball) Lassen at Yuba
- (Women's Basketball) Siskiyous vs. Lassen
- (Softball) Lassen at San Jose
- (Softball) Lassen at San Jose
- (Baseball) Lassen at Hartnell
- (Baseball) Lassen at Hartnell
- (Baseball) Lassen at Monterey Peninsula
- (Baseball) Lassen at Monterey Peninsula
- (Baseball) Lassen at West Valley
- (Baseball) Lassen at West Valley
- (Baseball) Lassen at Redwoods
- (Baseball) Lassen at Redwoods
- (Baseball) Lassen at Redwoods
- (Softball) Lassen at Butte
- (Softball) Lassen at Butte
- (Baseball) Lassen at Feather River
- (Softball) Lassen at Hartnell
- (Softball) Lassen at Hartnell
- (Softball) Lassen at Cabrillo
- (Softball) Lassen at Cabrillo
- (Softball) Lassen at Solano
- (Softball) Lassen at Solano
- (Softball) Lassen at Sequoias
- (Baseball) Lassen at Marin
- (Baseball) Lassen at Marin
- (Softball) Lassen at Sequoias
- (Baseball) Lassen at Marin
- (Softball) Lassen at Modesto
- (Softball) Lassen at Modesto
- FS 90 Portable Pumps and Water Use S-211
- FS 89 Wildland Fire Chainsaws S-212
- FS-85 Understanding Maps, Compass and GPS (Basic Land Navigation)
- FS 52 Intermediate ICS For Expanding Incedents (ICS-300)
- FS 57 Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Technician
- (Softball) Lassen at Ohlone
- (Softball) Lassen at Ohlone
- (Softball) Lassen at Sacramento City
- (Softball) Lassen at Sacramento City
- (Baseball) Butte vs. Lassen
- (Baseball) Butte vs. Lassen
- (Baseball) Lassen at Butte
- (Baseball) Feather River vs. Lassen
- (Baseball) Lassen at Feather River
- (Baseball) Lassen at Shasta
- (Softball) Lassen at Chabot
- (Baseball) Shasta vs. Lassen
- (Baseball) Shasta vs. Lassen
- (Softball) Lassen at Chabot
- (Women's Basketball) Lassen at Redwoods
- (Men's Basketball) Lassen at Redwoods
- (Softball) Lassen at Cosumnes River
- (Men's Basketball) Lassen at Feather River
- (Women's Basketball) Shasta vs. Lassen
- (Softball) Lassen at Cosumnes River
- (Women's Basketball) Butte vs. Lassen
- (Men's Basketball) Siskiyous vs. Lassen
- (Women's Basketball) Siskiyous vs. Lassen
- (Baseball) Lassen at Solano
- (Baseball) Solano vs. Lassen
- (Men's Basketball) Butte vs. Lassen
- (Women's Basketball) Lassen at Shasta
- (Men's Basketball) Redwoods vs. Lassen
- (Women's Basketball) Redwoods vs. Lassen
- (Men's Basketball) Lassen at Shasta
- (Men's Basketball) Shasta vs. Lassen
Course Outline Programs
- Administration of Justice
- Agriculture
- American Sign Language
- Anthropology
- Art
- Automotive Technology
- Aviation
- Basic Skills
- Biological Science
- Business
- Careers
- Chemistry
- Child Development
- Commercial Driver's License
- Computer Information Systems
- Counseling Guidance
- Developmental Studies
- Economics
- Education
- Emergency Medical Technician
- English
- English as a Second Language
- Ethnic Studies
- Film
- Fire Technology
- Forestry
- Geographic Information Systems
- Geography
- Geology
- Gunsmithing
- Gunsmithing NRA
- Health
- Health Occupations
- History
- Humanities
- Industrial Technology
- Mathematics
- Music
- Philosophy
- Physical Education
- Physical Education Activities Courses
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Registered Nursing
- Social Work and Human Services
- Sociology
- Speech
- Tutoring
- Vocational Nursing
- Welding Technology
- Work Experience