The AS-T in Nutrition and Dietetics for transfer is designed to prepare the student for transfer into a Bachelor program at a California State University. As a Nutrition and Dietetics major, you will:

Program Overview

  • Develop a strong foundation of the scientific method.
  • Analyze nutritional facts and the effects from the environment and culture.
  • Prepare to transfer to a California State University by completing undergraduate major preparation.

Program Highlights

  • Core curriculum for transfer to a California State University.
  • Small class sizes.
  • Individualized tutoring.
  • Projected growth for Nutritionists/Dieticians from 2012-2022
  • Laboratory opportunities.


Associate in Science in Nutrition and Dietetics for Transfer

Two-Year Advising Plans

​​​Degree Type​Degree Name
​Associate in Science for TransferNutrition and Dietetics Degree-AS-T

Employment Opportunities

Clinical Nutritionist/Dietitian

Community and Public Health

Food Service Management


*Some careers will require a four-year degree for which LCC’s program is a good base for transfer.

Degrees and Certificates

Total Units for the Associate in Science Degree with a minimum grade point average of 2.0: 60 units
Required Core Courses minimum grade 2.0: 27-28 Units
Required Core: 20 Units

BIOL-20  Microbiology5
CHEM-1A  General Chemistry I5
HLTH-25  Understanding Nutrition3
PSY-1  Introduction to Psychology3
CHEM-8  Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4
Select 8 Units From the following
BIOL 21  Human Anatomy with Lab4
BIOL-22 Human Physiology with Lab4
BIOL-25  &Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIOL-26  Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
MATH-40  Elementary Statistics3

Completion of either the CSU General Education or IGETC Option
Remaining Units to total 60 Units may be selected from courses numbered 1-49

Program Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the Associate in Science Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze and evaluate nutritional information, lifestyle, and special needs to make recommendations for an adequate and balanced diet as well as to make recommendations for dietary improvement.
2. Use the scientific method to develop and conduct laboratory experiments utilizing accepted laboratory practices.
3. Identify, describe, and investigate the influence of environmental and culture on the development of individual behavior as it relates to nutrition and dietetics.
4. Display skills and knowledge necessary to continue study at a California State University in preparation for certification and a career as registered dietician.

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