Human Resources Planning/EEO Advisory Committee

Human Resources Planning/EEO Advisory Committee


  • Coordinate the professional development activities of the college
  • Ensure that the range of activities includes all constituent groups
  • Ensure that the activities include team-building, collaboration, and other projects that enhance collegiality among the groups
  • Ensure that activities include EEO training (in order to provide trained individuals to participate as EEO representatives on screening/selection committees).
  • Assist in the development of Professional Development Plan
  • Periodically review and revise the staff development procedures and forms
  • Plan, implement and evaluate the college’s flex day activities
  • Assist and support college-planning process through contributions to the Comprehensive Institutional Master Plan
  • Assist in the development of a college-wide Human Resource Master Plan
  • Assist in the development of EEO Plan
  • Assists in the review of screening/selection procedures and forms
  • Our commitment to diversity requires that we strive to eliminate barriers to equity and that we act deliberately to create a safe and inclusive environment where individual and group differences are valued and leveraged for our growth and understanding as an educational community.
  • Faculty members and Chief Instructional Officer or designee will form the Flex Subcommittee
  • Assist the Office of Academic Services in the development of flex forms and surveys
  • Survey faculty and staff to identify needs and interests for potential flex activities
  • Assist in the development of flex activities for the following academic year
  • Review and make recommendations to the Chief Instructional Officer or designee on flex contracts
  • Assist in the preparation of district and state reports as required

Committee Structure:

  • Chief Instructional Officer or designee
  • 3 faculty members appointed by the Academic Senate
    2 classified representatives appointed by CSEA
  • 2 confidential/management representative appointed by the management group including the Human Resource Director
  • 1 student representative. ASB will have the first opportunity to select a representative, but if not available, faculty or staff may recommend a student representative to the chair(s) for approval

As of December 2018 Human Resource Planning Committee minutes are available through BoardDocs.

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